Spoynt Limited is a company registered in England with company number 14156599.
Spoynt Limited is registered with the UK Financial Conduct Authority under FRN 903071 as an EMD Agent with rights to distribute or redeem electronic money (e-money) and provide certain payment services on behalf of an e-money institution, Noveba Limited, FRN 900924.
Electronic money issued by the Principal E-money Issuer institution (EMI) is not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). In order to protect money held in electronic money accounts, it is safeguarded by the issuing organisation. Safeguarding means that, by law, all of your money has to be kept in accounts that are completely separate from the ones used to run the business. So your money is backed by assets that the e-money issuer holds in separate accounts. These funds are called ‘safeguarded funds’.
You can check the Financial Services Register here.